Professionals who can master the art of negotiation find they can save time, save money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes, at home and at work, and earn greater respect in the workplace.
Negotiating is a fundamental fact of life. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling normal support duties, this course will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate with both internal and external clients. This interactive course includes techniques to promote effective communications, emphasizes problem-solving, and gives you techniques for turning face-to-face confrontation into side-by-side problem solving
We have included quizzes which relate directly to the course content. These quizzes provide an opportunity to internalize what you have learned. Completion of the quizzes is tracked and goes to the award of Professional Development Credits that are underpinned by the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM) and can be applied to SHRM CP and SCP Recertification.
We include a behavioural DNA assessment which identifies in a granular manner your natural approach to Negotiating. This is important since being in touch with yourself is essential for success in Negotiations.