

Your Opportunity & Career Insurance

Security of tenure is no longer a viable concept. Professionals are blind-sided on a regular basis by career-damaging decisions that threaten their assets and negatively impact their life-style.

There is a cloud of uncertainty that overhangs employed professionals.

On the other hand, the demand for coaching is at an all time high.

In the last ten years, the coaching industry has exploded. Membership of the International Coach Federation has more than tripled. A report by the market research firm IBISWorld at the end of 2014 said coaching is a $1 billion industry in the U.S. alone. [Marketplace]

The International Coach Federation, a nonprofit global professional organization of personal and business coaches, had just 1,500 members in 1999. By 2013, that number rose to more than 17,000 members across 132 chapters in 34 countries. Many coaches specialize in niche areas to attract clients looking to set specific goals. []

Many professionals are opting for career insurance in the form of Coaching certification. Coaching certifications provide some level of security in the event of the unplanned loss of employment. In addition, it is the perfect answer to the need for self-generated income in retirement.

Those needs that are met with the the Certified Behavioral Coach Award.

It is recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP Certifications and is accredited by the International Coach Federation.

 There are four purpose-directed tracks to attaining ICF/SHRM-Accredited Certified Behavioral Coach status:

  1. Independent Participation
  2. Behavioral Coach Certification at No Cost To You
  3. One-stop SHRM Recertification at No Cost To You
  4. Millennial Leadership Development


Independent Participation

Many professionals have decided to chart their own course and have taken the decision to invest in themselves. They have sought the Certified Behavioral Coach award outside of the organizational context and have underwritten the cost of the tuition themselves.


I was excited about the course content, but I was initially skeptical about the course delivery, as I was never a fan of learning outside a classroom. But since this was the only way I could attend the course, I had to face the chat session. It was like being on a conference call – easy and convenient and definitely worth it.

And as for the coach: Trevor really knows his stuff. He made understanding the principles so easy and he has a very accessible teaching style. If you need a bit more hand-holding even after you are done, Trevor is literally just a phone call away.

As a professional who has been helping people maximize their potential for nearly 10 years now, I knew that I found an amazing tool that I could use to do an even better job.

Becoming a Certified Behavioural Coach is definitely one of the best things I did for my life and career. It was new; it challenged me and introduced possibilities for my work as a communications strategist focused on people development.

 I unreservedly recommend anyone who is even thinking about doing this course: Just do it!

Being a Certified Behavioural Coach is beyond personal development it is finding a path to the best you.

Kalando Wilmoth Chief Strategist  The Write House


We salute like-minded individuals and created a limited time 2 for 1 offer for you.

Get a friend or colleague to share the experience with you and get all the benefits for the single tuition fee! That is a 50% saving.

How To Earn The Behavioral Coach Certification At No Cost To You - Future Leaders Coaching


The beauty of the Certified Behavioral Coach program is that you can attain the award at no personal cost while adding value to your organization.

The process is simple.

1. You share your interest in coaching employees with leadership potential.

2. You present the plan under which you will earn the ICF-accredited Certified Behavioral Coach award. The plan includes access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community. The Membership Community provides you with the content that you will use to conduct webinars or mini-sessions with the selected coachees. You can determine how many sessions you will undertake. We recommend that you offer to coach the individuals through one program. "How To Increase Your Influence" is ideal.  There is a specific outcome and finite time requirement.

3. The organization underwrites the cost of program, get an empowered cadre of future-leaders while you get commendation from the organization and your Certified Behavioral Coach award. Classic win-win-win.

Get ahead of the curve and cement your value to the organization! 

Gain access here!

DISC Framework endorsement


“I have been involved in executive management for the better part of 20 years with more than my fair share of success.

Yet, the Certified Behavioral Coach Program offered by Success With People Academy, has provided a new and exciting angle from which I can now pursue my passion for people, team and organizational development.” Livingstone Morrison, Deputy Governor of Bank of Jamaica (Central Bank)

 Gain access here!

How To Earn SHRM Re-certification Credits At No Cost To You - Advance Your Organization


The Certified Behavioral Coach also includes a one-stop package for the attainment of the SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs) that are required for SHRM CP and SCP re-certification. 

The 60 PDCs can be attained in a simple 3-step process:

I. SHRM/ICF accredited Certified Behavioral Coach award – 36 PDCs

II. Advance Your Organization: Future Leader Coaching Project – 20 PDCs

III. Guided Self Study – Completion of a mini-course in the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community – 4+ PDCs


There is no limit on the numbers or the duration of the Future Leader Coaching Project.

SHRM will only allocate a maximum of 20 PDCs under the Advance Your Organization re-certification category representing 20 hours of coaching.

However,  you may offer to extend your work with future leaders.

Your organization recognizes the value and impact and underwrites the program costs.

Gain Access here!




As a mid-career information professional, I wanted to expand my horizons. I identified coaching as a suitable option, mainly as a means of giving back.  So, I completed the 9-week online interactive ICF/ SHRM accredited Certified Behavioural Coaching course – a perfect fit. It was a unique educational experience in coaching, mentorship and leadership behaviour which provided a framework to diagnose and build successful collaborative relationships. It empowered me to effect change through a new understanding of behavioural styles through self-analysis and application of the Extended DISC framework.

The facilitators were knowledgeable, patient and engaging in imparting the concepts.  Practical tools such as cases and interactions with practitioners were used to demonstrate concepts and give insights into the complex behavioural issues inside and outside the workplace.

The online course is conveniently scheduled for after work and week-ends. If you want to make a positive impact on the lives of others, I strongly recommend it.   Lurline Cummings – Information Resource Specialist at Grace Kennedy Ltd.


How To Address The Cries of Millennials


Millennials now represent the largest percentage of the US workforce (32%). with similar trends globally. An increasing number of Millennials now occupy senior leadership positions.

Yet  more than six in ten Millennials (63 percent) say their “leadership skills are not being fully developed.”  Unfortunately, little progress is being made in this area.

Last year, when asked to rate the skills and attributes on which businesses place the most value (and are prepared to pay the highest salaries), Millennials pointed to “leadership” as being the most prized. This was mentioned by 39 percent, but only 24 percent thought this was a strong personal trait of theirs upon graduation (a gap of 15 percentage points).

Millennials fully appreciate that leadership skills are important to business and recognize that, in this respect, their development may be far from complete. But, based on the current results, Millennials believe businesses are not doing enough to bridge the gap to ensure a new generation of business leaders is created. [Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016]

Research findings from another survey adds to the pressure for action

The Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016 report highlights the international crisis related to Employee Engagement.

Employee engagement, like culture, has become a CEO-level issue.

Nearly nine in ten executives (85 percent) in the 2016 survey rated Engagement as an important (38 percent) or very important (48 percent) priority for their companies.

Engagement at all levels is now an imperative for organizations who want to  retain their talent and remain competitive.

The changing profile of the workforce and related attitudinal changes have led to a situation in which leaders at all levels must increasingly apply coaching skills. The Certified Behavioral Coach certification addresses that imperative directly while responding to the needs of the growing Millennial constituency.

Special 2 for 1 offer. Send two future leaders to share the experience and get all the benefits for the single tuition fee! That is a 50% saving.

Gain access here

Gain full access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community for 14-Days for just $1!

Access 44 hours of recorded live sessions | Blog | Discussion Forum | Bonus Courses


What Other Certified Behavioral Coaches Are Saying About The Award


Kathleen Beckford  BSc Management & Psychology says:

My investment in the CBC training has aided my transformational journey.  While I had some knowledge of my personality trait having done some other work, I did not understand why I chose certain behavioural tools.  This training affords me a greater understanding of myself,  an appreciation of the behaviour of others and how to improve communication with what I would otherwise call “difficult” people.  I now understand why I execute some tasks easily and effortlessly while some others require more energy, commitment and focus.

I strongly recommend this training as it augurs well for improved relationships whether at home or at the workplace.


Dear Trevor and Keri,

As part of your February 2017 online cohort, I completed the the SWP Academy's Certified Behavioral Coach (CBC) Programme.  I am writing to thank you for the absolutely inspirational and practical instruction I received from you.  Over the past two months, since completing the programme, I've been applying the DISCerning Communication principles you taught me.  I can see where this has had tremendously positive impact on my social and professional life.  For example, I am working out the fine points of a partnership with an established arts instructor to create my "Motivation Through the Arts" programme.  This affiliation is a huge step up from my previous mentorship efforts.  My CBC training has also allowed me to have a better understanding of myself, so that I can leverage my strengths instead of unwittingly playing to my weaknesses.  This sharpens my mentoring skills and motivational venture and adds valuable legitimacy to my work. 

My CBC training makes each day more productive, as it is effective in every-day real-world ways, and it improves my productivity in all areas, especially the following:

Public Speaking, Negotiation, Interviewing, Listening and counseling

Motivation (intra- and interpersonal)

Healthy intra- and interpersonal dialogue

Assessment of my own strengths and weaknesses

The provision of a ‘blueprint’ to enhance strengths and erase weaknesses

The removal of biases and ego-reflex responses prevents imputing motives to others based on the body language of their preferred communication style. 

To anyone considering the programme, I can assure you: Participating in this programme is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself at work and at home.  You will have insider knowledge of the tools to use and the keys to unlock the most mutually productive communication, when the SWP Academy teaches you how to recognize people’s need to use D, I, S or C style. 

You will gain, as I have gained, the focus to advance in your career and a much lower stress level in day-to-day communication at all levels.  Stress is high and potentially toxic, when we have to deviate too far from our natural styles, as we conform to the demands of our jobs or career.  That's why it's important to our good health and increased wealth for us to learn exactly what our natural style is.  The in-depth instruction you receive from Trevor and Keri, in the CBC programme, teaches you to see yourself clearly, so you can more clearly see your way to success, whatever your field.

Trevor and Keri, thanks again for your inspirational instruction.

Thank you.

Ann Henriques


Your Package

The Certified Behavioral Coach package includes:

I. Access to 36 hours of facilitator-led interaction training with 4 bonus hours to cover for unavoidable absence.

II. All sessions are recorded and the powerful learning from the Chat Box comments is also made available.

III. 12 months of e-mail or video support.

IV. 12 months Access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community and the insights, interaction and value-added content that it offers.

V. Weekly Leadership Development e-mailed content.

VI. ICF Certified Behavioral Coach award and 36 Continuing Education Credits

VII. SHRM Certified Behavioral Coach Award and a minimum of 36 Professional Development Credits with an option to earn 60 PDCs

VIII. "How To Increase Your Personal Influence" course to support Coaching and Mentoring

The entire package is priced at US$1400.

A special 2-for-1 offer is currently available.

Gain full access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community for 14-Days for just $1!

Access 44 hours of recorded live sessions | Blog | Discussion Forum | Bonus Courses

Preparing leaders for His service


A Solution To An Ongoing Problem






This e-Kit is designed to address an ongoing problem in congregations. There is a struggle to find qualified and willing individuals to assume the responsibility to lead ministries. The result is that congregations are forced to rely on the same dedicated crew and many areas are neglected. 

You have seen it. You recognize an important area of service being neglected but the hands that are at work are stretched and cannot address it.

You have also prayed for the willing soul that steps forward to offer service but alas the willingness is not matched by the same degree of competence.

Then there are the conflicts within groups or the emergence of cliques and despite your fervent prayers, the skills to appropriately address the issue are woefully lacking. Unity among brethren is not where it should be. Soon some will fall away and a split in the congregation might be imminent.

Then there is you. No matter your level of academic qualification and leadership experience, you realize that leadership in the church is a different kettle of fish. Many claim that leading the Lord's people at any level is challenging. You want to minimize the times when you feel like passing the baton on to others and to take a back seat. You would love to be able to convert those situations into successful experiences.

This e-Kit is designed for you!

The beauty about how it is structured is that it allows you to engage current and prospective leaders as part of your developmental journey.

Leadership Development

The Church Leadership Development e-Kit provides swift and effective solutions to shortcomings and challenges in your congregation. With the solutions, you can make a difference, not only in your level of service but in empowering others to increase their impact.

The e-Kit guides you through perennial challenges like:

  • Increasing your influence in appropriate ways in His service.
  • Making effective presentations - even when under pressure and nervous.
  • Getting groups and teams to work harmoniously and effectively in an all-volunteer environment. Leading in congregations is a unique experience!
  • Coming to grips with leadership responsibilities across 12 key areas.
  • Relating effectively with a variety of personalities through the application of the universally sought-after DISC Framework. DISC is perhaps the world's most widely used and acclaimed framework for understanding and dealing with human behavior. The e-Kit brings you in line with professionals worldwide.

The Church Leadership Development e-Kit will:

  1. Provide a structured set of developmental courses, articles and forum for you and current and prospective ministry leaders to develop the skills and confidence to effectively lead others.
  2. Provide you along with aspiring and current leaders with a self-examination tool to help them identify strengths to reinforce and areas for development. This analysis will highlight blind spots that might impede your effectiveness.
  3. Provide access to support materials that will speed up your development. The materials can also be used to empower members, keep them engaged and enhance outreach activities.
  4. Create a cadre of trained, informed, engaged and motivated leaders to serve the needs of a dynamic and forward-looking congregation.
  5. Offer you the opportunity to earn an internationally-backed Church Leadership Certification.
  6. Be a lasting investment in your service to the Lord.


[Congregations are sometimes tardy in decision-making. The e-Kit is priced with a payment plan to encourage you to take the initiative to develop your personal leadership skills in an environment of volunteers and to empower other leaders in your congregation. Step up and take the initiative to use the 30 day free access to learn if this is right for you - at no risk. You can also use the 30 days to get buy-in from other members.]

How To Get Best Results

Let's be real. Church people are not employees. They are usually engaged in full time activities. Many with a pretty full agenda.

The e-Kit recognizes that even committed brethren are challenged to take on any large claim on their time.

Consequently, the e-Kit is organized as a carefully sequenced, easily digestible series of modules and companion materials.

You can study at your own pace, in your own time and track your progress.

The e-Kit is chock full of professionally developed and tested leadership content that can engage even individuals with high level degrees.

However, you can chart the further development of your leadership skills on your own by completing the carefully structured Church Leadership Development e-Kit courses. The courses are presented in a user friendly, modular format on one convenient online platform. 

On completion of an online assessment you will earn your personal "Church Leadership" certification. The certification is backed by the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM), the largest association of HR professionals globally.

The certification option is also available to those you invite to share your journey (as many as 12 members).

Empower and Engage Others

The e-Kit gives you the opportunity to engage others in the process by giving them access to the full features of the package at no additional cost.

You will have the benefit of the built-in Forum to stimulate and capture discussions. The Forum is an answer to those engaging discussions in Bible Class or arising from Sermons that just cannot be fully accommodated during the allotted time. No longer will important issues need to be left hanging. Even more useful is the fact that all members of the group get an equal opportunity to make their contribution.

The technologies available in the package allow you to engage members in a variety of convenient and topic-specific ways without using other media.

This is your opportunity to take the initiative to encourage the development a cadre of male and female leaders who will bring new dynamism and professionalism to the activities of your congregation in the service of our Lord.

Additional Features

  • The e-Kit includes a structured program that guides you through reading the entire Bible at your own pace.
  • The Daily Inspiration feature presents 365 practical insights inspired by each day's reading with relevant images and Bible references.
  • The Daily Inspiration insights can easily be shared with others using multiple media as a powerful Outreach activity.
  • Discussions is a built-in Forum to facilitate group discussions. Up to 12 members can be directly engaged in empowering discussions.
  • Reflections and Insights is a collection of  thoughtful articles covering a range of topical issues.
  • Publications. You receive copies of Turbo-Charge Your Coaching & Leadership Skills and "How DISCerning Communication Drives Teamwork.
  • A Member Community (with profiles) that creates linkages and gives full access for up to 12 individuals. 1 contribution >>>12 leaders developed.


The Church Leadership Development & Certification e-Kit does not present doctrinal positions save and except for the following:

  1. Salvation is personal and each individual has responsibility for their soul.
  2. Information about God's plan for humanity is outlined in the Bible and the Bible should be the source of answers to Bible questions.
  3. Consequently, each individual should make it a point of duty to examine the Scriptures for themselves to verify teachings and practices and to answer questions that arise.
  4. Godly wisdom supersedes human wisdom. Let God's word be your guide.

Why not take the no-risk 30-day full access to learn how this can improve your capacity to serve while empowering leaders in your congregation? If you have questions please contact us at:

 Success with People Academy - Ministry Portfolio

Guided Path to Realizing the Next Level of Your Journey


Breakthrough Boot Camp Membership Community - Preview

This Membership Community is a central component of the 12-month Mentoring Program.

This peek preview provides insights as to some of what will be in store.

Your access expires on February 15, 2018

No Cost Coupon Code Access

Currently not for sale Learn more

Your Opportunity & Career Insurance

Security of tenure is no longer a viable concept. Professionals are blind-sided on a regular basis by career-damaging decisions that threaten their assets and negatively impact their life-style.

There is a cloud of uncertainty that overhangs employed professionals.

On the other hand, the demand for coaching is at an all time high.

In the last ten years, the coaching industry has exploded. Membership of the International Coach Federation has more than tripled. A report by the market research firm IBISWorld at the end of 2014 said coaching is a $1 billion industry in the U.S. alone. [Marketplace]

The International Coach Federation, a nonprofit global professional organization of personal and business coaches, had just 1,500 members in 1999. By 2013, that number rose to more than 17,000 members across 132 chapters in 34 countries. Many coaches specialize in niche areas to attract clients looking to set specific goals. []

Many professionals are opting for career insurance in the form of Coaching certification. Coaching certifications provide some level of security in the event of the unplanned loss of employment. In addition, it is the perfect answer to the need for self-generated income in retirement.

Those needs that are met with the the Certified Behavioral Coach Award.

It is recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP Certifications and is accredited by the International Coach Federation.

 There are four purpose-directed tracks to attaining ICF/SHRM-Accredited Certified Behavioral Coach status:

  1. Independent Participation
  2. Behavioral Coach Certification at No Cost To You
  3. One-stop SHRM Recertification at No Cost To You
  4. Millennial Leadership Development

Gain full 14-Day access for just $1

Independent Participation

Many professionals have decided to chart their own course and have taken the decision to invest in themselves. They have sought the Certified Behavioral Coach award outside of the organizational context and have underwritten the cost of the tuition themselves.


I was excited about the course content, but I was initially skeptical about the course delivery, as I was never a fan of learning outside a classroom. But since this was the only way I could attend the course, I had to face the chat session. It was like being on a conference call – easy and convenient and definitely worth it.

And as for the coach: Trevor really knows his stuff. He made understanding the principles so easy and he has a very accessible teaching style. If you need a bit more hand-holding even after you are done, Trevor is literally just a phone call away.

As a professional who has been helping people maximize their potential for nearly 10 years now, I knew that I found an amazing tool that I could use to do an even better job.

Becoming a Certified Behavioural Coach is definitely one of the best things I did for my life and career. It was new; it challenged me and introduced possibilities for my work as a communications strategist focused on people development.

 I unreservedly recommend anyone who is even thinking about doing this course: Just do it!

Being a Certified Behavioural Coach is beyond personal development it is finding a path to the best you.

Kalando Wilmoth Chief Strategist  The Write House


We salute like-minded individuals and created a limited time 2 for 1 offer for you.

Get a friend or colleague to share the experience with you and get all the benefits for the single tuition fee! That is a 50% saving.

How To Earn The Behavioral Coach Certification At No Cost To You - Future Leaders Coaching


The beauty of the Certified Behavioral Coach program is that you can attain the award at no personal cost while adding value to your organization.

The process is simple.

1. You share your interest in coaching employees with leadership potential.

2. You present the plan under which you will earn the ICF-accredited Certified Behavioral Coach award. The plan includes access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community. The Membership Community provides you with the content that you will use to conduct webinars or mini-sessions with the selected coachees. You can determine how many sessions you will undertake. We recommend that you offer to coach the individuals through one program. "How To Increase Your Influence" is ideal.  There is a specific outcome and finite time requirement.

3. The organization underwrites the cost of program, get an empowered cadre of future-leaders while you get commendation from the organization and your Certified Behavioral Coach award. Classic win-win-win.

Get ahead of the curve and cement your value to the organization! 

Gain access here!

DISC Framework endorsement


“I have been involved in executive management for the better part of 20 years with more than my fair share of success.

Yet, the Certified Behavioral Coach Program offered by Success With People Academy, has provided a new and exciting angle from which I can now pursue my passion for people, team and organizational development.” Livingstone Morrison, Deputy Governor of Bank of Jamaica (Central Bank)

 Gain access here!

How To Earn SHRM Re-certification Credits At No Cost To You - Advance Your Organization


The Certified Behavioral Coach also includes a one-stop package for the attainment of the SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs) that are required for SHRM CP and SCP re-certification. 

The 60 PDCs can be attained in a simple 3-step process:

I. SHRM/ICF accredited Certified Behavioral Coach award – 36 PDCs

II. Advance Your Organization: Future Leader Coaching Project – 20 PDCs

III. Guided Self Study – Completion of a mini-course in the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community – 4+ PDCs


There is no limit on the numbers or the duration of the Future Leader Coaching Project.

SHRM will only allocate a maximum of 20 PDCs under the Advance Your Organization re-certification category representing 20 hours of coaching.

However,  you may offer to extend your work with future leaders.

Your organization recognizes the value and impact and underwrites the program costs.

Gain Access here!




As a mid-career information professional, I wanted to expand my horizons. I identified coaching as a suitable option, mainly as a means of giving back.  So, I completed the 9-week online interactive ICF/ SHRM accredited Certified Behavioural Coaching course – a perfect fit. It was a unique educational experience in coaching, mentorship and leadership behaviour which provided a framework to diagnose and build successful collaborative relationships. It empowered me to effect change through a new understanding of behavioural styles through self-analysis and application of the Extended DISC framework.

The facilitators were knowledgeable, patient and engaging in imparting the concepts.  Practical tools such as cases and interactions with practitioners were used to demonstrate concepts and give insights into the complex behavioural issues inside and outside the workplace.

The online course is conveniently scheduled for after work and week-ends. If you want to make a positive impact on the lives of others, I strongly recommend it.   Lurline Cummings – Information Resource Specialist at Grace Kennedy Ltd.


How To Address The Cries of Millennials


Millennials now represent the largest percentage of the US workforce (32%). with similar trends globally. An increasing number of Millennials now occupy senior leadership positions.

Yet  more than six in ten Millennials (63 percent) say their “leadership skills are not being fully developed.”  Unfortunately, little progress is being made in this area.

Last year, when asked to rate the skills and attributes on which businesses place the most value (and are prepared to pay the highest salaries), Millennials pointed to “leadership” as being the most prized. This was mentioned by 39 percent, but only 24 percent thought this was a strong personal trait of theirs upon graduation (a gap of 15 percentage points).

Millennials fully appreciate that leadership skills are important to business and recognize that, in this respect, their development may be far from complete. But, based on the current results, Millennials believe businesses are not doing enough to bridge the gap to ensure a new generation of business leaders is created. [Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016]

Research findings from another survey adds to the pressure for action

The Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016 report highlights the international crisis related to Employee Engagement.

Employee engagement, like culture, has become a CEO-level issue.

Nearly nine in ten executives (85 percent) in the 2016 survey rated Engagement as an important (38 percent) or very important (48 percent) priority for their companies.

Engagement at all levels is now an imperative for organizations who want to  retain their talent and remain competitive.

The changing profile of the workforce and related attitudinal changes have led to a situation in which leaders at all levels must increasingly apply coaching skills. The Certified Behavioral Coach certification addresses that imperative directly while responding to the needs of the growing Millennial constituency.

Special 2 for 1 offer. Send two future leaders to share the experience and get all the benefits for the single tuition fee! That is a 50% saving.

Gain access here

Gain full access for 14-Days for just $1!

What Other Certified Behavioral Coaches Are Saying About The Award


Kathleen Beckford  BSc Management & Psychology says:

My investment in the CBC training has aided my transformational journey.  While I had some knowledge of my personality trait having done some other work, I did not understand why I chose certain behavioural tools.  This training affords me a greater understanding of myself,  an appreciation of the behaviour of others and how to improve communication with what I would otherwise call “difficult” people.  I now understand why I execute some tasks easily and effortlessly while some others require more energy, commitment and focus.

I strongly recommend this training as it augurs well for improved relationships whether at home or at the workplace.


Dear Trevor and Keri,

As part of your February 2017 online cohort, I completed the the SWP Academy's Certified Behavioral Coach (CBC) Programme.  I am writing to thank you for the absolutely inspirational and practical instruction I received from you.  Over the past two months, since completing the programme, I've been applying the DISCerning Communication principles you taught me.  I can see where this has had tremendously positive impact on my social and professional life.  For example, I am working out the fine points of a partnership with an established arts instructor to create my "Motivation Through the Arts" programme.  This affiliation is a huge step up from my previous mentorship efforts.  My CBC training has also allowed me to have a better understanding of myself, so that I can leverage my strengths instead of unwittingly playing to my weaknesses.  This sharpens my mentoring skills and motivational venture and adds valuable legitimacy to my work. 

My CBC training makes each day more productive, as it is effective in every-day real-world ways, and it improves my productivity in all areas, especially the following:

Public Speaking, Negotiation, Interviewing, Listening and counseling

Motivation (intra- and interpersonal)

Healthy intra- and interpersonal dialogue

Assessment of my own strengths and weaknesses

The provision of a ‘blueprint’ to enhance strengths and erase weaknesses

The removal of biases and ego-reflex responses prevents imputing motives to others based on the body language of their preferred communication style. 

To anyone considering the programme, I can assure you: Participating in this programme is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself at work and at home.  You will have insider knowledge of the tools to use and the keys to unlock the most mutually productive communication, when the SWP Academy teaches you how to recognize people’s need to use D, I, S or C style. 

You will gain, as I have gained, the focus to advance in your career and a much lower stress level in day-to-day communication at all levels.  Stress is high and potentially toxic, when we have to deviate too far from our natural styles, as we conform to the demands of our jobs or career.  That's why it's important to our good health and increased wealth for us to learn exactly what our natural style is.  The in-depth instruction you receive from Trevor and Keri, in the CBC programme, teaches you to see yourself clearly, so you can more clearly see your way to success, whatever your field.

Trevor and Keri, thanks again for your inspirational instruction.

Thank you.

Ann Henriques


Your Package

The Certified Behavioral Coach package includes:

I. Access to 36 hours of facilitator-led interaction training with 4 bonus hours to cover for unavoidable absence.

II. All sessions are recorded and the powerful learning from the Chat Box comments is also made available.

III. 12 months of e-mail support.

IV. Access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community and the insights, interaction and value-added content that it offers.

V. Weekly Leadership Development e-mailed content.

VI. ICF Certified Behavioral Coach award and 36 Continuing Education Credits

VII. SHRM Certified Behavioral Coach Award and a minimum of 36 Professional Development Credits with an option to earn 60 PDCs

VIII. "How To Increase Your Personal Influence" course and support materials.

The entire package is priced at US$1400.

A special 2-for-1 offer is currently available.

Gain full access for 14-Days for just $1!


Strategic SHRM 3-in-1 Plan

New Plan Reveals How CLOs Leverage SHRM Re-certification To Achieve Multiple Wins

Thousands of HR and Talent Management professionals need to earn SHRM Professional Development Credits in order to retain their CP or SCP certifications. Savvy CLOs are seizing upon this as an opportunity to achieve multiple wins.

The three pillars of the clever plan:

I.  Retaining and motivating your best HR Talent while upgrading their skills and qualifications.

II. Training and certifying Coach-Mentor volunteers to drive coaching and mentoring activities with done-for-them Employee Engagement And Leadership coaching content.

III. Facilitating volunteer delivery of future-ready leadership coaching to current and prospective leaders at different levels in the organization. Millennials are a specially targeted group.

Implementation is easy and does not have any hidden add-on requirements. The only question is the extent to which you choose to scale its impact.

The SHRM Strategic 3-in-1 package includes:

  1. Leader-coach training of pairs of SHRM CP/SCP professionals and Coach-Mentor volunteers.
  2. The award of the ICF/SHRM-accredited "Certified Behavioral Coach" certification and professional development credits.
  3. Access to the Certified Behavioral Coach Membership Community with done-for-you courseware to support volunteer coach-mentoring activities.
  4. 12 months of ongoing e-mail/video support.


The Options

  1. 1 CP/SCP Professional + 1 Coach-Mentor volunteer $1400 for the entire package including 12 months ongoing support.
  2. 5 CP/SCP Professionals + 5 Coach-Mentor volunteers $5000 for the entire package including 12 months ongoing support.

A Solution To An Ongoing Problem


DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification

The DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification (DFLC) provides a desperately needed answer to shortcomings and challenges with respect to leadership resources to effectively set up and/or sustain ministries in service to God. This is a perennial problem. At the same time, some who would volunteer have feelings of uncertainty, given the unique challenges of leading and working with volunteers. The DFLC will provide you with the skills and mindset that will enhance your impact and your level of service while empowering others to increase their influence.

 The DFLC addresses perennial challenges:

  • Increasing your influence in appropriate ways in His service.
  • Making effective presentations - even when under pressure and nervous.
  • Understanding and Navigating Conflict.
  • Getting groups and teams to work harmoniously and effectively in an all-volunteer environment. Leading in congregations is a unique experience!
  • Coming to grips with leadership challenges. 
  • Relating effectively to a variety of personalities.

The DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification will:

  1. Provide a structured set of developmental courses, articles and forum for you and current and prospective church ministry leaders to develop the skills and confidence to effectively lead others.
  2. Provide you along with aspiring and current leaders with a self-examination tool to help them identify strengths to reinforce and areas for development. This personal Christian Stewardship Behavioural DNA Analysis will provide a compass for your walk and highlight blind spots that might impede your effectiveness.
  3. Provide access to support materials that will speed up your development. 
  4. Create a cadre of trained, informed, engaged and motivated leaders to serve the needs of a dynamic and forward-looking congregation.
  5. Offer you the opportunity to earn an internationally-backed DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification.
  6. Be a lasting investment in your service to the Lord.


 How To Get Best Results

Let's be real. Church people are not employees. They are usually engaged in full time activities. Many with a pretty full agenda.

The program recognizes that even committed brethren are challenged to take on any large claim on their time.

Consequently, the program  is organized as a carefully sequenced, easily digestible series of modules and companion materials.

You can study at your own pace, in your own time and track your progress.

The program is chock full of professionally developed and tested leadership content that can engage even individuals with high level degrees.

You can chart the further development of your leadership skills on your own by completing the carefully structured DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification courses. The courses are presented in a user friendly, modular format on one convenient online platform that is accessible at any time from any location on multiple devices. 


On completion of an online assessment you will earn your personal "DISCerning Faith-based Leadership" certification.

The certification is backed by the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM), the largest association of HR professionals globally.





Empower and Engage Others



Additional DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Campus Features

  • The DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Community includes a structured program that guides you through reading the entire Bible at your own pace.
  • The Daily Inspiration feature presents 365 practical insights inspired by each day's reading with relevant images and Bible references.
  • The Daily Inspiration insights can easily be shared with others using multiple media as a powerful Outreach activity.
  • Discussions is a built-in Forum to facilitate group discussions. 
  • Reflections and Insights is a collection of  thoughtful articles covering a range of topical issues.
  • Publications. You receive copies of Turbo-Charge Your Coaching & Leadership Skills and "How DISCerning Communication Drives Teamwork.
  • Challenge Debates. Teams debate topical issues to share different perspectives.
  • Bible Knowledge Speed Challenge. Complete time-based quizzes that test speed and accuracy.
  • DISC Mastery. DISC is perhaps the world's most widely used and acclaimed framework for understanding and dealing with human behavior. The program brings you in line with professional DISC Framework users worldwide through the Success with People Academy's unique DISCerning Communication Model.
  • Networking. Expand your network of like-minded individuals.
  • Certification. Get formal certification for your faith-based leadership skills.


The  DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification does not present doctrinal positions save and except for the following:

  1. Salvation is personal and each individual has responsibility for their soul.
  2. Information about God's plan for humanity is outlined in the Bible and the Bible should be the source of answers to Bible questions.
  3. Consequently, each individual should make it a point of duty to examine the Scriptures for themselves to verify teachings and practices and to answer questions that arise.
  4. Godly wisdom supersedes human wisdom. Let God's word be your guide.


The DISCerning Faith-based Leadership Certification certification along with 24/7/365 access to the content-rich DFLC online campus and the insightful personal Stewardship behavioural DNA analysis is a US$750 value. We are treating this as a Ministry. Consequently, we are making it available for just US$98 per person for an initial period.

Thanks for your interest in "Negotiating For Success".

The online Self-Study Guide is designed and laid out in a way that will guide your learning much in the same way that an instructor would. This online self-study course is comprised of modules and lessons. Each one focuses on a major Negotiating concept.

We have included quizzes which relate directly to the course content. These quizzes provide an opportunity  to internalize what you have learned. Completion of the quizzes is tracked and goes to the award of Professional Development Credits that are underpinned by the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM) and can be applied to SHRM CP and SCP Recertification.

We include a behavioural DNA assessment which identifies in a granular manner your natural approach to Negotiating. This is important since being in touch with yourself is essential for success in Negotiations.


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